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Writer's pictureGary Faulds

Hamilton Townhouse 2020

Hey everyone. I hope you are all well, I am absolutely buzzing to be adding my tour show at The Hamilton Townhouse on the 20th November. Last year we broke the record of being the fastest selling show in a decade and it was even nicer a lot of my comedy heroes played the same room.

This years tour is brand new material which has been getting tried and tested at the odd comedy club on the secret and I also have two new material nights coming up to piece the show all together.

If you haven't seen me live before every show starts with crowd work, this is where I get to know my front row, which is always fun and fresh on the spot interactions. Then I cover some topical stuff and get into my set. The show is a little different from most comedy set ups as I know how important it is to have a full night out. The show starts at 20:00 with my support act doing 20 minutes, to get you all warmed up for me. We have a 20 minute break so you can top up those drinks and I come on stage about 20:40 for sixty minutes which means you can be out the venue for 22:00 and allows you to carry on your night or catch transport if you are traveling in.

We have had almost 500 people subscribed for tickets so if you would like the link an hour before everyone else then click the subscribe box above, I don't send out any spam its only pre sale links 5/6 times a year. the venue holds 750 so if you would like to be there please register.

Pre-sale link sent out by email on the 31/01/20 at 09:00

General sale link added to this website on 31/01/20 at 10:00

Thank you so much for the support and after every show I stay back to say hello to everyone, its free and if you have the time it would be nice to say hello.

All the best


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